Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Vintage Vogue

Not long ago my friend Loren sent me some vintage Vogue Knitting Book magazines she'd scored at a yard sale. I had a ton of fun leafing through them, both admiring and giggling at various designs and advertisements from 60 years ago.

The issues she sent, from the Fall/ Winter 1953 and Spring/ Summer 1954 seasons, each include patterns for 70+ knitting and 16+ crochet projects, an impressive value for only 50 cents. 

While some designs are clearly of their era, others are remarkably timeless.


I thought it interesting that both issues include patterns for sandals.

Nearly all of the shawl patterns are for long rectangles.

1950's pink proliferates. 

The majority of the designs are more formal than those of today, often knit in very fine gauges, and the magazines include loads of patterns for dresses and suits.

This coat is a true classic, but I'm not sure I have the fortitude for the oceans of sport weight stockinette stitch required.

I'm impressed with how many crochet designs are featured.

The written instructions are a little more abbreviated than those of today, and look slightly more complicated to figure out. The magazines also include patterns for men, children and home. 

I really enjoyed the look back into our knitting history, and I hope you did too. Thanks for stopping by my virtual studio today, I wish you peace, blessings and happy stitching!

1 comment:

  1. I love vintage knitting magazines and booklets ... love yours :)
